SED Series Specifications
Using the links below, printable pdf file spec sheets are provided for each model size in both English and Metric units.
SE18D 20 US tons, injection weight (GPPS) range 0.2-0.6 oz (5-17 grams)
English specs Metric Specs
SE30D 33 US tons, injection weight (GPPS) range 0.6-1.5 oz (18-41 grams)
English specs Metric Specs
SE50D 55 US tons, injection weight (GPPS) range 0.9-2.8 oz (26-80 grams)
English specs Metric Specs
SE75D 83 US tons, injection weight (GPPS) range 1.3-4.8 oz (38-137 grams)
English specs Metric Specs
SE100D 110 US tons, injection weight (GPPS) range 1.7-6.8 oz (49-193 grams)
English specs Metric Specs
SE130D 143 US tons, injection weight (GPPS) range 2.9-8.7 oz (83-244 grams)
English specs Metric Specs
SE180D 198 US tons, injection weight (GPPS) range 4.4-10.7 oz (124-302 grams)
English specs Metric Specs